Heroes are explicitly known for acts of courage.
I personally, resolve to the best of my ability to address and commend our frontline heroes.
You’ve become conduits of video calls and messages. You serve with courage, work relentlessly, ask no creed or colour and give unselfishly. You are that beacon of hope passing on the baton as you bravely change shifts to retire for a brief respite. You’ve proved to be our only ‘safety valve’ and under severe stress, you persevered.
You soldier on, despite advancing, threatening and consuming danger. You were the last face the dying saw, the last presence they felt, the last smile they saw, spoke the last words they heard. Thank you for representing me at the bedside of my mom, dad, child, family or friend when I could not.
Take a brief moment to reflect that your presence, courage and help beaconed and ushered them to their final place of rest. You were the last image in their chapter and montage of life. Today you are celebrated not only here but also in heaven. You’ve been granted a special honour amongst mankind – to be instrumental to add that final brush stroke to complete somebody’s painting of life.
Sadly and significantly, walls of despair and fatality also came tumbling down on our healthworkers. They succumbed. They served well. Today their memories and deeds serve as a blessing.
While we are in conversation and dialogue with our present, you’ve given us a view and window of hope for the future.
Today we pay you with a currency that can never fluctuate or lose value – the currency of love and admiration.